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Page 21
The eight children were all boys, and all but one grew to manhood.
Timothy was a hardware merchant in New Haven and New York for more
than forty years. He endowed the "Dwight Professorship of Didactic
Theology in Yale," which was named for him. There were nine children,
grandchildren of President Dwight by his eldest son. Of these the
eldest, also Timothy, was the leading paper manufacturer in the trust
mill headquarters at Chicago, and his six children were enterprising and
successful business men in Illinois and Wisconsin. John William Dwight
was one of the leading manufacturers of chemicals in Connecticut. Edward
Strong Dwight, of Yale, 1838, and of Theological Seminary, Yale, was for
many years a trustee of Amherst and a prominent clergyman. J.H. Lyman,
M.D., and Edward Huntington Lyman, M.D., were names that added luster to
the family of President Dwight. Benjamin Woolsey Dwight, M.D., another
son of the President of Yale, was a graduate of Yale and treasurer of
Hamilton college for nineteen years. Among his descendants are Richard
Smith Dewey, M.D., of Ann Arbor, in charge of Brooklyn City Hospital;
charge of military hospital at Hesse Cassel in Franco-Prussian war;
assistant superintendent Illinois State Insane hospital at Elgin. Also
Elliott Anthony, of Hamilton, 1850; Chicago lawyer; city attorney; a
member of the Illinois Constitutional Convention in 1862 and again in
1870; founder of the Law Institute, Chicago, and for several years the
president. Also Edward Woolsey Dwight, who was a leading citizen and
legislator of Wisconsin.
It is impracticable to give the record of many of the distinguished
members of such a family, but a brief notice of a few will give some
idea of the standard of the family.
Benj. Woodbridge Dwight, Ph.D., b. 1816, g. Hamilton 1835, Yale
Theological Seminary, professor in Hamilton; founded Central
Presbyterian church, Joliet, Ill.; established "Dwight's High School,"
Brooklyn; editor-in-chief of "The Interior" of Chicago, which he owned
and edited; contributor to many magazines; author of several scholarly
works; had the first preparatory school which placed German on a level
with Greek in importance, and founded a large preparatory boarding
school at Clinton, N.Y. He was a man of rare ability, character and
Prof. Theodore William Dwight, LL.D., b. 1822, g. Hamilton 1840, g. Yale
Law S.; professor Hamilton College sixteen years; dean of Columbia
College Law S. from 1858 to 1892. James Brice of England placed him at
the head of legal learning in the United States and said: "It would be
worth an English student's while to cross the Atlantic to attend his
course." Another eminent English lawyer, A.V. Dicey, in "Legal
Education" wrote of him as "the greatest living American teacher of
law." He gave a course of lectures each year at Cornell; was a member of
the N.Y. Constitutional Convention in 1867; was a member of the famous
committee of seventy in N.Y. City that exposed the Tweed ring; was
president of the New York Prison Association and presided when Mr.
Dugdale was employed to study the Jukes; associate editor "American Law
Register;" was legal editor of "Johnson's Encyclop�dia," and made many
important contributions to the legal literature of the country. There
have been few men of equal eminence in our country's history.
President Theodore Dwight Woolsey, D.D., LL.D., b. New York City,
October 31, 1801, was the grandson of Mary Edwards Dwight and great
grandson of Jonathan Edwards; g. Yale 1820; studied at Princeton
Theological Seminary and g. at Yale L.S.; studied in German
universities; professor in Yale twenty-two years; president of Yale
1846-1871. Wesleyan conferred degree of LL.D. and Harvard that of LL.D.
and S.T.D. all before he was fifty years of age. President of the
Evangelical Alliance held in N.Y. City 1873, the leading American on the
Committee for the Revision of the Bible. After resigning the presidency
he continued to lecture at Yale until his death, 1889. There was no more
eminent American in unofficial life from 1840 to 1890 than he. President
Hayes once said that he was greatly perplexed at one time as to the line
of public policy which he should pursue until it occurred to him that
President Woolsey was the one American on whose judgment he could rely,
and after consulting him his course was entirely clear and his action
wise. He was the author of several valuable and standard works. Yale's
first great advance was in the time of President Timothy Dwight, its
second was in the administration of President Theodore Dwight Woolsey.
When he became president the classes about doubled in size. He
introduced new departments at once and endowments came in, such as had
never been considered possible. The tuition was raised from $33 to $90;
the salaries were greatly increased, graduate courses were introduced;
many new buildings were erected and everything went forward at a
radically different pace. Yale and American thought owe much to
President Woolsey. He wrote many scholarly works.
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