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Page 21
Heating stoves by direct fire, 34.
---- ---- by hot-water pipes, 36.
Hern's process in tin-plating, 60.
Immersion process in tin-plating, 59.
Iron, black stain for, 53.
---- galvanized, painting on, 49.
Ironwork, varnishes for, 55.
Japan, brown, 57.
---- ground, red, 10.
---- ---- scarlet, 9.
---- ---- grounds, 6-19.
---- ---- black, 12.
---- ---- blue, 9.
---- ---- green, 10.
---- ---- white, 7.
---- work, painting, 13.
---- ---- varnishing, 17.
Japanese gold size, 14.
Japanese lacquer, 47.
Japanning and enamelling stoves, 34.
---- ---- ---- ---- heated by direct fire, 34.
---- ---- ---- ---- heated by hot-water pipes, 36.
---- leather without a priming, first stage, 5.
---- or enamelling metals, 20-28.
---- tin, 25.
---- wood, first stage, 5.
Lacquer, Japanese, 47.
Metal, golden varnish for, 51.
---- polishes, 51.
Metals, japanning or enamelling, 20-28.
Modern japanning and enamelling stoves, 34.
Natural Japanese lacquer, 47.
---- lacquer, 45.
Oil vehicle, 14.
Old work, enamelling, 27.
Orange-coloured grounds, 11.
Painting japan work, 13.
---- on galvanized iron, 49.
---- ---- zinc, 49.
Paints, black, 52.
Pigments suitable for japanning with natural lacquer, 45.
---- black, 46.
---- blue, 46.
---- green, 46.
---- red, 46.
---- white, 45.
---- yellow, 46.
Polished brass, colours for, 49.
Preparing the surface to be japanned, 4.
Priming the surface to be japanned, 4.
Processes for tin-plating, 58.
Purple grounds, 11.
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