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Page 10
May be I do not carry guns enough
To epically glorify King ARTHUR,
But I have penned some reams of rhythmic stuff
Concerning (please admire the rhyme!) SIDD�RTHA.
(That, as an "assonance," is quite as good
As "_sang_ it," and "_began_ it.") Ornamental
And Eastern Mythos draws me; but I'm good
At "Poems National and Non-Oriental."
I love the Hindoos, I adore the Japs;
I'm fond of scraps of Oriental lingo;
Yet I'm a patriot, and have hymned, perhaps,
As much as most, my native god, great Jingo!
I think a Muse with twinkly almond orbs,
Would--as a change--in England prove most fetching;
Is it not plain Jap Art our Art ahsorbs!
Why not in singing, then, as well as sketching?
I'm sure my "GEISHA" is as good a girl
As _Vivien_, or _Faustine_, or e'en _Dolores_.
Is she more frail, less fair, that perfect pearl
Of Singing Girls, Xipangu's great'st of glories?
Knocks her nice little flat nose on the floor,
In Japanese politeness, my "Half Jewel."
ALGERNON's nymphs, in song or in _amour_
Are always coarse and generally cruel.
"_Pearls of the Faith_," is a most pious work,
Although AL-MUT�H�LI is the stringer.
But only he who hates "The Unspeakable Turk,"
On _that_ account would blame the Christian singer!
"Lotus and Jewel!" Doesn't that sound nice?
My mild Jap Muse _may_ be a roguey-poguey;
But there's no stimulus to pleasant vice
About a holy Brahman or chaste Yogi.
"Land of the Rising Sun," delightful "Third
Kingdom of Merry Dreams," of you I'm amorous.
Must _that_ exclude me from the Wreath? Absurd!
I'm prettily pious, and I'm gently glamorous.
My Knighthood proves that I am quite O.K.,
My dear _D.T._ will answer for my morals;
I'm steeped in Sanscrit lore, and so must say
I can't see why I should not wear the laurels!
"Quite so," said _Punch_. "I like your rhyme--and cheek;
Still, there be others yet to hear--next week!"
* * * * *
_The Governess_. "And now, what is a Parable, Effie?"
_Effie_ (_who has got rather muddled_). "A Parable? Oh, of course, a
Parable is a Heavenly story with an Earthly meaning!"]
* * * * *
APOLOGIA ARRYGATENSIS.--"'ARRY in Arrygate" was so much sought
after everywhere that it was thought _Mr. Punch_ could not possibly
supply the great demand for this article with sufficient celerity
and dispatch. Hence it happened that the _Harrogate Advertiser_
enthusiastically reproduced the entire article as published in _Mr.
Punch's_ pages, without saying "with your leave, or by your leave,"
to the Proprietors representing _Mr. Punch_. So, _Mr. Punch_, always
kindly and courteous, was compelled in this instance to "know the
reason why." Whereupon _The Harrogate Advertiser_ acknowledged that it
did not "harrogate to itself" any sort of right to republish wholesale
without acknowledgment anything that has appeared in _Mr. Punch's_
pages, and at once handsomely apologised for this instance of
priggishness quite unprecedented in the _Harrogate Advertiser's_
columns (_Vide Harrogate Advertiser_, October 15). _Box_ and _Cox_ are
satisfied. _Causa flnita est. Vive_ 'ARRY! Likewise 'Arrygate! And,
know, all men, by these presents, that _Mr. P._ is quite wide-awake.
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