The Great Round World And What Is Going On In It, April 22, 1897, Vol. 1, No. 24 by Various


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377 Broadway, New York.=


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[Illustration: THE GREAT ROUND

VOL. 1 APRIL 22, 1897. NO. 24

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The news from Cuba this week confirms the story of the capture of Gen.
Ruis Rivera.

It seems that the Spanish General, Velazco, was told by some of his scouts
that Rivera was encamped in the near neighborhood, and only had a force of
one hundred men with him.

Acting on this information, the Spaniards surrounded the camp and attacked
the Cubans, who fought bravely until they were finally overpowered.

General Rivera was severely wounded, and was therefore unable to make his
escape; the Spaniards captured him, just as his chief of staff was trying
to carry him away to a place of safety.

Both men were taken prisoner and conveyed to San Cristobal. They will be
tried by court-martial, and it is feared that the General will be shot as
a rebel. If Rivera is shot, it will create a great deal of indignation, as
it is the custom to exchange prisoners of war, and not to kill them.
General Weyler has, however, sent out a proclamation, that any man found
outside the Spanish limits without a proper pass shall be shot, and as
Rivera of course had no pass from the Spaniards, it is feared that Weyler
may take advantage of his proclamation to have the unfortunate General

The Cuban war, however, seems to be on such a strong footing that even the
loss of Ruis Rivera cannot seriously hurt the cause. Another General has
already been appointed in his place, and though his loss will cause much
sorrow, the affairs of the little island will not be interfered with.

It is said that Gen. Julio Sanguily, the Cuban who has just been released
from prison through the influence of our Government, will return to Cuba
and take command of the army lately commanded by Rivera.

A full account has reached us of the landing of the filibustering
expedition that left our shores on board the _Laurada_, and under the
charge of General Roloff.

It appears that the Cubans have done very clever work in this expedition,
both in getting the arms on board the _Laurada_, and in landing them when
they reached Cuba.

It was decided that the expedition should land at Banes, an important
seaport on the northwestern coast of Santiago de Cuba. A few days before
the ship was expected, the Cubans appeared in large numbers at Banes,
ready to attack the Spanish soldiers, who occupied a small fort there.

You will remember that Santiago de Cuba is the province which the Cubans
have under control, and which is really "Free Cuba."

The Cubans are so strong in this province, that the Spaniards remain in
such forts as they hold, and make very few attempts to interfere with the

At Banes, the insurgents appeared in such numbers that the soldiers did
not venture out of the fort, and left them to occupy the town in peace.

When the _Laurada_ appeared in sight, the commander of the Cuban forces
sent word to the fort that the _Laurada_ had some very heavy guns on
board, which would be turned on the fort the instant the Spanish made an
attempt to interfere with the unloading of the cargo. He added that the
_Laurada's_ guns would blow the whole fort to pieces in a very few

The Spanish commander decided that he would take their word for it, and
not trouble the _Laurada_ to prove the truth of the statement. The vessel
steamed up to the wharf, and the expedition disembarked with ease and

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