The Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton, Vol II. by Horatio Nelson


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Page 4

The British Fair cutter, I hope, is arrived safe. She has three
packets, from me, to England,

The expences of the alterations at Merton _you are_ not to pay from
the income. Let it all be put to a separate account, and I will
provide a fund for the payment.

All I long for, just now, is to hear that you are _perfectly_
recovered; and, then, I care for nothing: all my hopes are, to
see you, and be happy, at dear Merton, again; but, I fear, this
miscarriage of Pichegru's, in France, will prolong the war. It has
kept the French fleet in port, which we are all sorry for.

Sir William Bolton was on board yesterday. He looks thin. The fag in
a brig is very great; and I see no prospect of his either making
prize-money, or being made post, at present: but, I shall omit no

I wrote to Mrs. Bolton a few months ago; and gave her letter,
yesterday, to Bolton. He conducts himself very well, indeed.

Ever, my dearest Emma, for ever, I am your most faithful, and


Although I cannot well afford it, yet I could not bear that poor blind
Mrs. Nelson should be in want in her old days, and sell her plate;
therefore, if you will find out what are her debts, if they come
within my power, I will certainly pay them.

Many, I dare say, if they had commanded here, would have made money;
but, I can assure you, for prizes taken within the Mediterranean, I
have not more than paid my expences. However, I would rather pinch
myself, than she, poor soul, should want. Your good, angelic heart,
my dearest beloved Emma, will fully agree with me, every thing is very
expensive; and, even we find it, and will be obliged to economise, if
we assist our friends: and, I am sure, we should feel more comfort in
it than in loaded tables, and entertaining a set of people who care
not for us.

An account is this moment brought me, that a small sum is payable to
me, for some neutral taken off Cadiz in May 1800; so that I shall not
be poorer for my gift. It is odd, is it not?

I shall, when I come home, settle four thousand pounds in trustees
hands, for Horatia; for, I will not put it in my own power to have
her left destitute: for she would want friends, if we left her in this
world. She shall be independent of any smiles or frowns!

I am glad you are going to take her home; and, if you will take the
trouble with Eliza and Ann, I am the very last to object.

Tom, I shall certainly assist at college; and, I am sure, the Doctor
expects that I should do the same for Horace: but I must make my
arrangements, so as not to run in debt.

April 9th.

I have wrote to the Duke; but, by your account, I fear he is not
alive. I write, because you wish me; and, because I like the Duke,
and hope he will leave you some money. But, for myself, I can have
no right to expect a farthing: nor would I be a legacy hunter for the
world; I never knew any good come from it.

I send you a letter from Mr. Falconet. I am afraid, they have made a
jumble about the _amorins_. And I send you a very impertinent letter
from that old cat. I have sent her a very dry answer, and told her, I
should send the sweetmeats to you. I always hated the old bitch! But,
was she young, and as beautiful as an angel, I am engaged; I am all,
soul and body, my Emmas: nor would I change her for all this world
could give me.

I would not have Horatia think of a dog. I shall not bring her one;
and, I am sure, she is better without a pet of that sort. But, she is
like her mother, would get all the old dogs in the place about her.

April 14th.

I am so sea-sick, that I cannot write another line; except, to
say--God Almighty bless you, my dearest beloved Emma! prays, ever,
your faithful

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