The Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton, Vol II. by Horatio Nelson


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Victory, under Majorca,
January 13th, 1804.


I received, on the 9th, your letters of September 29th, October 2, 7,
10, 12, 17th, November 5th, 8th, to the 24th: and I am truly sensible
of all your kindness and affectionate regard for me; which, I am sure,
is reciprocal, in every respect, from your own Nelson.

If that Lady Bitch knew of that person's coming to her house, it was a
trick; but which, I hope, you will not subject yourself to again. But,
I do not like it!

However, it is passed; and, we must have confidence in each other:
and, my dearest Emma, judging of you by myself, it is not all the
world that could seduce me, in thought, word, or deed, from all my
soul holds most dear.

Indeed, if I can help it, I never intend to go out of the ship, but to
the shore of Portsmouth; and that will be, if it pleases God, before
next Christmas. Indeed, I think, long before, if the French will
venture to sea.

I send you a letter from the Queen of Naples. They call out, might and
main, for our protection; and, God knows, they are sure of me.

Mr. Elliot complains heavily of the expence; and says, he will retire
the moment it is peace. He expected his family, when they would sit
down eleven Elliots!

If, my dear Emma, you are to mind all the reports you may hear, you
may always be angry with your Nelson.

In the first place, instead of eight days, Mr. Acourt; he came on
board one day, just before dinner, and left me next morning, after

What pleasure people can have in telling lies! But, I care not what
they say; I defy them all.

You may safely rely, that I can for ever repeat, with truth, these
words--for ever I love you, and only you, my Emma; and, you may be
assured, as long as you are the same to me, that you are never absent
a moment from my thoughts.

I am glad you are going to Merton; you will live much more
comfortable, and much cheaper, than in London: and this spring, if you
like to have the house altered, you can do it. But, I fancy, you will
soon tire of so much dirt, and the inconvenience will be very great
the whole summer.

All I request, if you fix to have it done, [is] that Mr. Davison's
architect, who drew the plan, may have the inspection; and, he must
take care that it does not exceed the estimate.

If it is done by contract, you must not _alter_; or a bill is run-up,
much worse than if we had never contracted. Therefore, I must
either buy the materials, and employ respectable workmen, under the
architect; or, contract.

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