Ella Barnwell by Emerson Bennett

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Page 25

"It's one o' the bestest things as ever war invented," continued the
good woman, in her eulogy of the article in question; "and has did more
good in it's time, nor all the doctors on the univarsal yarth put
together could do, in the way of curing sprains, and bruises, and
stomach-pains, and them things; and ef you don't believe it, Mr.
Williams, you can see it all in print, ef you can read, and I spect you
can, on the bottle itself, jest as plain as any thing; and besides, I've
got the testament (testimony, doubtless) of the good and pious Rev. Mr.
Allprayer, who tuk some on't once for the gout; and he said as how the
contracting (counteracting?) pains war so many, that he didn't no more
feel the gout for a long time to come afterwards. I've no doubt it'll
sarve you jest the same way, and I'll go and fetch it right straight

But the mission of the good woman was prevented by the complainant's
insisting that he was much better, would presently be well, and wished
to retire for the night. His request was granted--but little more was
said--and all shortly after betook themselves to bed--to think, or
sleep, or dream, as the case might be with each.

When the family arose on the following morning, they found the stranger
had departed; but when or whither none could tell.

[Footnote 4: It may be proper to note here, for the benefit of those
unfamiliar with the early history of Kentucky, that, at the period of
which we write, it was claimed and held by Virginia as a portion of her
territory, for which she legislated accordingly.]



The year 1781 was remarkable in the history of Kentucky for the immense
emigration from the east into its territory of unmarried females. It
appears, in looking over the records of the time, as though some mighty
barrier had hitherto kept them in check, which, being removed, allowed
them to rush forward in overwhelming force, like to the pent up waters
of some stream when its obstruction suddenly gives way. Whatever this
hitherto obstruction or barrier may have been, we do not pretend to say;
but the fact itself we record as we find it chronicled in history. The
result of this influx of females into a region almost wholly populated
by the opposite sex was one, as will readily be perceived, of great
importance to the well-being of the embryo state; and was duly
celebrated by the rising generation, in a general jubilee of
marriages--one following fast upon another, like drops of rain in a
genial summer shower; and, to extend the simile, with an effect by no
means less productive of fertility, in a long run, to the country round

A wedding in those days was an affair of great importance to the
neighborhood of its location; and was looked forward to by old and
young--the latter in particular--as a grand holiday of feasting,
dancing, and general rejoicing. Nor can this be wondered at, when we
take into consideration the fact, that, in the early settlement of the
country, a wedding was almost the only gathering, as they were called,
which was not accompanied with some laborious employment--such as
harvesting, log-rolling, and the like. Occasionally there might be some
dissatisfaction felt and expressed by some, who, from some cause or
another, chanced to be left out of the almost general invitation; in
which case a special resentment not unfrequently followed. This was
accomplished in various ways--sometimes by felling trees, or placing
other obstacles across some narrow portion of the horse-path by which
the wedding party were advancing, thereby causing considerable delay for
their removal--sometimes by ambushing and firing a volley of blank
cartridges at the party in question, so as to frighten the horses, by
which means more or less were frequently injured, by being thrown to the
ground--and sometimes by shearing the manes and tails of the horses
themselves, while their owners were being occupied with the feast, and
the dance, and the gay carousal of the occasion. But to proceed.

The morning of the day set apart by Isaac Younker, as the one which was
to see him duly united to Peggy Wilson, came in due time--as many an
important one has both before and since--without one visible sign in the
heavens, or otherwise, to denote that any thing remarkable was about to
happen. In fact it might be put down to the reverse of all this; for,
unlike the generality of wished-for days, it was exceedingly fair,
balmy, and beautiful. The sun rose at the expected time, large and red,
and saluted the hills and tree-tops, and anon the vales, with a smiling
light, as though he felt exceedingly happy to greet them again after a
calm night's repose. The dew sparkled on blade and leaf, as if with
delight at his appearance; a few flowers modestly uncovered their
blooming heads; a few warblers of the forest--for although autumn had
nearly half advanced, some had delayed their journey to the sunny
south--sung gleesome songs; and altogether the morning in question was
really a delightful one.

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Books | Photos | Paul Mutton | Mon 13th Jan 2025, 0:04