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Page 17
Man is now consciously participating in the direction of his own
evolution. To cite England's poet laureate, who, you will recall, is a
physician: "The proper work of his (man's) mind is to interpret the
world according to his higher nature, and to conquer the material
aspects of the world so as to bring them into subjection to the spirit."
[Footnote 4: In an address at the seventieth annual meeting of the
American Medico-Psychological Association, 1914, entitled "The Relations
of Internal Medicine to Psychiatry."]
[Footnote 5: _Cf._ Polon (A.) "The Relation of the General Practitioner
to the Neurotic Patient," Mental Hygiene, New York, 1920, IV, 670-678.]
[Footnote 6: _Cf._ Paton (S.) Human Behavior in Relation to the Study of
Educational, Social, and Ethical Problems. New York, 1921. Charles
Scribner's Sons, p. 465.]
[Footnote 7: _Cf._ Meyer (A.), "Progress in Teaching Psychiatry,"
Journal A.M.A., Chicago, 1917, LXIX, 861-863; see also his, "Objective
Psychobiology, or Psychobiology with Subordination of the Medically
Useless Contrast of Medical and Physical," Journal A.M.A., Chicago,
1915, LXV, 860-863; and, "Aims and Meanings of Psychiatric Diagnosis,"
Am. Journal of Insanity, Baltimore, 1917, LXXIV, 163-168.]
[Footnote 8: _Cf._ "The General Diagnostic Survey Made by the Internist
Cooperating with Groups of Medical and Surgical Specialists," New York
Medical Journal, 1918, 489,538,577; also, "The Rationale of Clinical
Diagnosis," Oxford Medicine, 1920, vol. I, 619-684; also, "Group
Diagnosis and Group Therapy," Journal Iowa State Medical Society,
113-121, Des Moines, 1921.]
[Footnote 9: _Cf._ Southard (E.E.), "Insanity Versus Mental Disease";
the Duty of the General Practitioner in Psychiatric Diagnosis, Journal
American Medical Association, LXXI, 1259-1261, Chicago, 1918.]
[Footnote 10: _Cf._ Bailey (P.), "The Applicability of Findings of
Neuro-psychiatric Examinations in the Army to Civil Problems," Mental
Hygiene, New York, 1920, IV, 301; also "War and Mental Diseases," Am. J.
Pub. Health, IX, 1, Boston, 1919.]
[Footnote 11: _Cf._ Salmon (T.W.), "War Neuroses and Their Lesson," New
York Medical Journal, CIX, 993, 1919; also, "The Future of Psychiatry in
the Army," Mil. Surgeon, XLVII, 200, Washington, 1920.
_Cf._ "Origin, Objects, and Plans of the National Committee for Mental
Hygiene" (Publication No. 1, of the National Committee, New York City);
and, "Some Phases of the Mental Hygiene Movement and the Scope of the
Work of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene," in Trans., XV,
Internal. Congr. for Hygiene and Demography, III, 468-476, (1912),
Washington 1913.]
[Footnote 12: _Cf._ Russell (W.L.) "Community Responsibilities in the
Treatment of Mental Disorders." Canad. J. Ment. Hygiene, 1919, I 155--.
Hincks (C.M.), "Mental Hygiene and Departments of Health," Am. J. Pub.
Health, Boston, IX, 352, 1919; Haines (T.H.), "The Mental Hygiene
Requirements of a Community: Suggestions Based upon a Personal Survey,"
Mental Hygiene, IV, 920-931, New York, 1920.
Beers (C.W.), "Organized Work in Mental Hygiene," Mental Hygiene, 567,
New York, 1917, also, Williams (F.E.), "Progress in Mental Hygiene,"
Modern Hospital, XIV, 197, Chicago, 1920.]
_The Chairman_: We had hoped to receive to-day the greetings of our
sole elder sister among American institutions, the Pennsylvania
Hospital, of Philadelphia, which since its foundation in 1751 has
pursued a career much like our own, treating mental cases in the general
hospital from the very beginning, and since 1841 maintaining a separate
department for mental diseases in West Philadelphia. Dr. Owen Copp, the
masterly physician-in-chief and administrator of that department, was to
have been here, but unfortunately has been detained. Our morning
exercises having come to an end, Dr. Russell asks me to say that your
inspection of the occupational buildings and other departments of the
Hospital is cordially invited; a pageant illustrative of the origin and
aspirations of the Hospital will be given on the adjoining lawn; and
that after the pageant our guests are desired to return to the Assembly
Hall, where we shall have the privilege of listening to addresses by Dr.
Richard G. Rows, of London, and Dr. Pierre Janet, of Paris, who have
come across the Atlantic especially to take part in this anniversary
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