Carving and Serving by Mrs. D. A. Lincoln


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Page 3

Do not be guilty of the discourtesy of asking each guest, before you
begin to carve, to choose between roast lamb and warmed-over beef, or
between pie and pudding, or whatever you may have, and thus cause a
guest who may have chosen the lamb or the pie the discomfort of knowing
that it has been cut solely for her. Such economy may be excusable in
the privacy of one's own family, but not in the presence of invited
guests. First divide or carve what you have to serve, and then offer the
choice to your guests.

"To carve and serve decently and in good order" is indeed mainly the
duty of the host; but there is sometimes an unfortunate lack of skill on
the part of the hostess in her share of the serving. A certain pride is
permitted to her, and is expected of her, in serving neatly her tea,
coffee, and soup, in dividing appropriately her pies and puddings, and
even in cutting and arranging deftly the bread upon her board.

A word to the guest, and then we will proceed to explicit directions.

Never stare at the carver. Remember you are invited to dine, not to take
a lesson in carving. Appear perfectly unconscious of his efforts; a
glance now and then will give you sufficient insight into his method.
There often seems to be an irresistible fascination about carving which
silences all tongues and draws all eyes to the head of the table. The
most skilful carver will sometimes fail if conscious of being watched.
With a little tact the hostess can easily engage the attention of her
guests, that the carver may not be annoyed.

Should your preference be asked, and you have any, name it at once,
provided there is also enough for others who may prefer the same kind.
Remember there are only two fillets, or side-bones, or second joints; if
you are the first to be served, do not test the skill of the carver by
preferring a portion difficult to obtain.

Many of these cautions may seem uncalled for, but they have been
suggested by personal observation of their necessity. People of good
breeding would never err in any of these ways; but alas, not all people
are well bred, and innate selfishness often crops out in small matters.

The following explicit directions have not been taken from books. They
were given to the writer a few years ago by one who was an adept in the
art, who had received her instruction from a skilful surgeon, and who at
her own table gave a practical demonstration of the fact that a lady can
not only "carve decently and in good order," but with ease and elegance.



It is easier to carve this joint by cutting across the ribs, parallel
with the backbone, but that is cutting with the grain; and meat,
especially beef, seems more tender if cut across the grain.

Place it on the platter with the backbone at the right. If the backbones
be not removed before cooking, place the fork in the middle and cut
close to the backbone down to the ribs. Shave off the thick, gristly
cord near the backbone, as this, if left on, interferes with cutting
thin slices. Then cut, from the side nearest you, thin uniform slices
parallel with the ribs. Run the knife under and separate them from the
bone. Many prefer to remove the bone and skewer the meat into a roll
before cooking. It may then be laid, flesh down, on the dish, and carved
across the top horizontally in thin slices; or if you find it easier,
place it with the skin surface up, and carve down from the flesh side
nearest you.

This style of serving is generally preferred, but there are advantages
in retaining the bone; for the thin end when rolled under is not cooked
to such a nice degree of crispness, and the slices are usually larger
than desired. Again, the ribs, by keeping the meat in position, secure
for it a clean cut, and not one broken and jagged, and the thin end may
be served or not, as you please.


The backbone or thickest end should be at the right end of the dish.

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