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Page 16
Muffin rings or pans; "gem-pans;"
Four bread-tins, of best tin (or, better still, Russia iron), the best
size for which is ten inches long by four wide and four deep; the loaf
baked in such pan requiring less time, and giving a slice of just the
right shape and size;
Cake-tins of various shapes as desired, a set of small tins being
desirable for little cakes.
A small sifter in basket shape will be found good for cake-making, and a
larger one for bread; and spices can be most conveniently kept in a
spice-caster, which is a stand holding six or eight small labeled
canisters. Near it can also be small tin boxes or glass cans for dried
sweet herbs, the salt-box, &c.
The _Crockery_ required will be: at least two large mixing-bowls, holding
not less than eight or ten quarts, and intended for bread, cake, and many
other purposes; a bowl with lip to pour from, and also a smaller-sized one
holding about two quarts; half a dozen quart and pint bowls;
Half a dozen one-and two-quart round or oval pudding-dishes or nappies;
Several deep plates for use in putting away cold food;
Blancmange-molds, three sizes;
One large pitcher, also three-pint and quart sizes;
Yeast-jar, or, what is better, two or three Mason's glass cans, kept for
This list does not include any crockery for setting a servant's table;
that being governed by the number kept, and other considerations. Such
dishes should be of heavier ware than your own, as they are likely to
receive rougher handling; but there should be a full supply as one means
of teaching neatness.
_Wooden-ware_ is essential in the shape of a nest of boxes for rice,
tapioca, &c.; and wooden pails for sugar, Graham-flour, &c.; while you
will gradually accumulate many conveniences in the way of jars, stone pots
for pickling, demijohns, &c., which give the store-room, at last, the
expression dear to all thrifty housekeepers.
Scrubbing and water pails, scrubbing and blacking brushes, soap-dishes,
sand-box, knife-board, and necessities in cleaning, must all find place,
and, having found it, keep it to the end; absolute order and system being
the first condition of comfortable housekeeping.
Why Monday should be fixed upon as washing-day, is often questioned; but,
like many other apparently arbitrary arrangements, its foundation is in
common-sense. Tuesday has its advantages also, soon to be mentioned; but
to any later period than Tuesday there are serious objections. All
clothing is naturally changed on Sunday; and, if washed before dirt has
had time to harden in the fiber of the cloth, the operation is much
easier. The German custom, happily passing away, of washing only annually
or semi-annually, is both disgusting, and destructive to health and
clothes; the air of whatever room such accumulations are stored in being
poisoned, while the clothes themselves are rubbed to pieces in the
endeavor to get out the long-seated dirt.
A weekly wash being the necessity if perfect cleanliness exists, the
simplest and best method of thoroughly accomplishing it comes up for
question. While few women are obliged to use their own hands in such
directions, plenty of needy and unskilled workwomen who can earn a living
in no other way being ready to relieve us, it is yet quite as necessary to
know every detail, in order that the best work may be required, and that
where there is ignorance of methods in such work they may be taught.
The advantages of washing on Tuesday are, that it allows Monday for
setting in order after the necessary rest of Sunday, gives opportunity to
collect and put in soak all the soiled clothing, and so does away with the
objection felt by many good people to performing this operation Sunday
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