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Page 10
Among the which the merrie Nightingale
With swete, and swete (her Brest again a Thorne.)
In another Place,
And in the Launde, hard by the Parke of _Ware_
To _Ware_ he comes, and to the Launde he flies.
And in this Pompe they hie them to the Head.
I come now to the incomparable _Spencer_, against whose Judgment and
Practice, I believe scarce any Man will be so bold as to oppose himself;
Assure your self; it fell not all to Ground;
For all so dear as Life is to my Heart,
I deem your Love, and hold me to you bound.
Go say his Foe thy Shielde with his doth bear.
More old than _Jove_, whom thou at first didst breed.
And now the Prey of Fowls in Field he lies.
Nor must _Ben. Johnson_ be forgotten;
Thy Praise or Dispraise is to me alike;
One doth not stroke me, nor the other strike.
Curst be his Muse, that could lye dumb, or hid
To so true Worth, though thou thy self forbid.
In this Train of Voters for _Monosyllables_, the inimitable _Cowley_
marches next, whom we must not refuse to hear;
Yet I must on; what Sound is't strikes mine Ear?
Sure I Fames Trumpet hear.
And a little after,
Come my best Friends, my Books, and lead me on;
'Tis time that I were gone.
Welcome, great Stagirite, and teach me now
All I was born to know.
And commending _Cicero_, he says,
Thou art the best of Orators; only he
Who best can praise thee, next must be.
And of _Virgil_ thus,
Who brought green Poesy to her perfect Age,
And made that Art, which was a Rage.
And in the beginning of the next Ode, he wou'd not certainly have apply'd
himself to WIT in the harsh Cadence of _Monosyllables_, had he thought
them so very harsh;
Tell me, O tell, what kind of thing is Wit,
Thou who Master art of it.
In a true Piece of Wit all things must be
Yet all things there agree.
But did he believe such Concord to be inconsistent with the use of
_Monosyllables_, he had surely banished them from these two Lines; and
were I to fetch Testimonies out of his Writings, I might pick a Jury of
Twelve out of every Page.
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