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Page 9
The books and other things included in the following list--except
those starred or excepted in a special note, the purchase of which
can perhaps be deferred until the library contains a few thousand
volumes--are essential to good work, and should be purchased, some of
them as soon as a library is definitely decided upon, the others as
soon as books are purchased and work is actually begun.
*American catalog of books in print from 1876-1896, 5v. with annual
supplement. The Publishers' weekly, N.Y. Several of the volumes are
out of print. All are expensive. They are not needed by the very small
library. The recent years of the annual volumes are essential.
Card catalog rules; accessions-book rules; shelf-list rules; Library
Bureau, 1899, $1.25. These are called the Library school rules.
Catalog of A.L.A. library; 5000v. for a popular library, selected by
the American Library Association, and shown at the World's Columbian
exhibition, Washington, 1893. Sent free from the United States Bureau
of education.
*English catalog, 1835-1896, 5v., with annual supplement. The annual
supplements for recent years are needed by the small library; the
others are not.
Five thousand books, an easy guide to books in every department.
Compiled for the Ladies' home journal, 1895. Curtis Publishing
Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Paper, 10 cents. Out of print, but can
probably be found second-hand.
Fletcher, W.I. Public Libraries in America, 1894. Roberts Bros.,
Boston, $1.
Library Bureau catalog, containing list of library tools, fittings,
and appliances of all kinds, 1898. To be obtained of the Library
Bureau, Chicago, 215 Madison St.; Boston, 530 Atlantic Ave.; New York,
250 Broadway; Philadelphia, 112 N. Broad St.; Washington, 1416 F St.,
Plummer, M.W. Hints to small libraries, 1898. Truslove & Comba, N.Y.,
50 cents.
Public library handbook, by the Public library, Denver, 1894. Out of
Publishers' trade list annual, 1900, v. 28. Office of the Publishers'
weekly, N.Y., $2. Catalogs of all important American publishers bound
together in one volume.
Reference catalog of current literature, 1898. Catalogs of English
publishers, bound in one volume and indexed. J. Whitaker & Sons,
London, $5.
Rules for an author and title catalog, condensed. See Cutter, Rules
for a dictionary catalog, 1891, p. 99-103. Sent from the United States
Bureau of education, Washington, free. These are the rules adopted by
the American Library Association.
*Sonnenschein, W.S. Best books, readers' guide, 1891. Sonnenschein,
London, $8. Gives author, title, publisher and price of about 50,000
carefully selected and carefully classified books.
Sonnenschein, W.S. Reader's guide to contemporary literature
(50,000v.), supplement to Best books, 1895. Sonnenschein, London,
*Subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs, Library Bureau,
1898, $2. In a small library this is not needed, but it will save
trouble to get it.
Lawrence, I. Classified reading. A list with publishers and prices of
books for the school, the library, and the home, 1898. Normal school,
St Cloud, Minn., $1.25.
Iles, George. List of books for girls and women and their clubs, 1895.
Library Bureau, $1.
World's library congress, papers prepared for, held at World's
Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893. United States Bureau of
education, Washington, D.C., free. Covers very fully the entire field
of library economy.
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